Here are the Sim 4 cheat codes for promotion and demotion in various fields in highschool: You can use traits.equip_trait cheat and replace the ‘ trait‘ with the following: These cheats will work with The Sims 4 Highschool Years DLC and get your Sim graduated, kicked out, or dropped out of school.

relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others: introduce your Sim to all the neighbours.relationship.create_friends_for_sim: make a new Sim who is already friends with your Sim.complete_current_milestone: Finish your Sim’s ongoing aspiration goal.

fillmotive motive_hunger: fulfils hunger motive.fillmotive motive_hygiene: fulfils hygiene motive.fillmotive motive_social: fulfils social motive.fill_all_commodities: fulfils all motives.These Sims 4 cheats help fulfil the needs of your Sim: t_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100 : kills a Vampire sim.sims.add_buff Ghostly: Turn your Sim into a ghost for four in-game hours.death.toggle : Enable or disable immortality.The following cheats will grant immortality or turn you into a ghost: Use these cheat codes to boost the skill level of a Sim child. You can use t_skill_level_ and replace ‘#’ with 1 to 10 to change your Sim’s skill level as well as replace ‘Skill name’ with the following: There are Sims 4 cheats that will help you improve your skills instantly. topay_bills true or false : This code enables or disables monthly bill payments.

autopay_bills : Toggle household bills on and off.FreeRealEstate : Use in the neighbourhood or world view to get all lots free.Money : Adjust household simoleons to a specific number.Sims 4 has lots of cheat codes for different categories which players can use. List of Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, Xbox, PS4, and PC List of Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, Xbox, PS4, and PC.