How to make slime with a glue stick and contact lens solution

Transfer the glue stick pieces into a bowl and use a spoon to start mushing them up.Twist the stick out and cut it into small chunks on a chopping board. First up, you’re going to need to chop up your glue stick.So without further ado, here’s how to make slime with a glue stick and water. This super low-cost DIY trick takes no time at all and is one of our sure-fire ways to keep your kids busy. That means that you don’t have to raid your cupboards to find a whole load of expensive ingredients. Let’s start with the basics! By far, the easiest way to make slime with a glue stick is to use water and a pinch of food colouring. How to make slime with a glue stick and water So, here’s what you need to know about how to make slime with a glue stick! 1. While you can now buy slime in every colour at most toy shops, you can make the stuff at home if you’re on a budget. Over the last five years, slime has become a significant trend here in the UK, according to a report from the Guardian. Icky, gooey, and oh-so-much fun - slime is always a winner with kids! How to make slime with a glue stick and laundry detergent.How to make slime with a glue stick and contact lens solution.How to make slime with a glue stick and water.