Zekuta – Drew/animated the majority of the ‘Majin Sonic’ poses and animated the secret song background.Comgaming_Nz – Did the main stage backgrounds, drew assets for trailer n cutscenes, set the style for ‘Majin Sonic’ sprites (drew idle pose for ‘Majin Sonic’).MarStarBro – Main Composer, Composed ‘Too Slow’ and ‘Endless’, Charted ‘too-slow’, made some sounds effects (jumpscare sound, intro cutscene glitched music/sound, and static note glitched coin sound).

Made some sfxs (some menu sfxs, static sfx, static note mechanic sound and game over sounds, some laugh sounds), modified some backgrounds, made story mode/main menu music, drew that simple jumpscare image in ‘too-slow’, lua modcharted too-slow, animated majin bf boyfriend stuff (also sfxs for dat game over shiz), and video editor.

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